
Prada Sponsors Excellent Vintage Racing-Themed Short Film

Fashion house Prada was the patron for this short film that puts a satirical spin on the situation of some Italian village folk from 1955 who were waiting for a well-known road race of many miles to pass through their settlement.

The event itself is amusingly dubbed “Molte Miglia,” basically meaning many miles, and its passing through the usually deserted central town square is cause for great joy.

However, one of the drivers, who also seemed to be lagging behind the pack somewhat crashes right into said monument, totaling his car. He’s an American driver, but of Italian descent who discovers that his ancestors were originally from the village. It’s excellently executed, funny and well thought out, and it’s well worth the seven minutes you are asked to dedicate to watching it.

Moreover, as is the often the trend with these short cinematographic productions, the ending is very open, leaving each viewer’s imagination to fill in the blanks it intentionally leaves uncovered.

Scroll down and check it out, and if you do feel inclined comment, try not to spoil any of the good parts for those who haven’t yet seen it.

By Andrei Nedelea

Story References: Prada via WindingRoad


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